Saturday, December 19, 2009

Jane Austen Birthday Celebration Week continues with Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict by Laurie Viera Rigler

Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict
by Laurie Viera Rigler

Reading all those Jane Austen Novels really helps when you travel back in time...

After nursing a broken engagement with Jane Austen novels and Absolut, Courtney Stone wakes up and finds herself not in her Los Angeles bedroom or even in her own body, but inside the bedchamber of a woman in Regency England. Who but an Austen addict like herself could concoct such a fantasy?

Not only is Courtney stuck in another woman’s life, she is forced to pretend she actually is that woman; and despite knowing nothing about her, she manages to fool even the most astute observer. But not even her level of Austen mania has prepared Courtney for the chamber pots and filthy coaching inns of nineteenth-century England, let alone the realities of being a single woman who must fend off suffocating chaperones, condom-less seducers, and marriages of convenience.

This looking-glass Austen world is not without its charms, however. There are journeys to Bath and London, balls in the Assembly Rooms, and the enigmatic Mr. Edgeworth, who may not be a familiar species of philanderer after all. But when Courtney’s borrowed brain serves up memories that are not her own, the ultimate identity crisis ensues. Will she ever get her real life back, and does she even want to?

As we wrap up the Jane Austen Birthday Celebration week, here's another book that looks to be a fun read! I like time traveling and this is what our heroine in Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict does. I look forward to reading how author Laurie Viera Rigler handles the story line... Author Laurie Viera Rigler also has a great website with lots of Austen trivia, links and other fun stuff. You can visit HERE, and when there don't forget to take her "addiction" quiz and see how bad your Jane Austen Addiction is, such as "Your friends carry pictures of their children or significant others in their wallets. You carry on your cellphone a screen shot of Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy (or Matthew MacFadyen, depending on your personal taste)." (Amazon also has the paperback version of this book at a Bargain Price of under $6.00!) Have you read this book yet? And if so, what did you think?! I hope you enjoyed the Jane Austen inspired "books with buzz" this week! Let me know what your favorite Austen inspired books are!

*P.S. This book is Kindle Ready!

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