John le Carré, who was once a British spy, has written a spy novel entitled 'Our Kind of Traitor'.
The key character is Dima, whose money-laundering business is based in Switzerland.
Dima launders money for the Russian mafia, whom some call the Jewish Russian mafia.
Dima wants to retire to Britain.
He wants Britain's MI6 to arrange asylum in exchange for evidence incriminating his fellow bad guys who occupy top positions in Britain, Europe and America.
The top bad guy in the Russian mafia, the Prince, has killed Dima's ex-hooker wife.
John Le Carre, born David Cornwell
Le Carré alludes to the story of George Osborne, Peter Mandelson and Oleg Deripaska. (Our kind of Traitor by John le Carré.)
He refers to conflict diamonds, illegal oil deals with Iran, fake medicines and the banks kept afloat by drugs money.
He refers to a crooked British MP, on a yacht in the Adriatic.
Are there British traitors who have given away secrets to certain Russians?
Those who reportedly were traitors include Lord Victor Rothschild, Guy Burgess, Donald Maclean, Anthony Blunt and John Cairncross.
Le Carre's father had links to The Kray Twins, who were Jewish gangsters. In 1999, the (London) Daily Mail pointed out that the gangster Kray twins, Ronnie and Reggie, were "of Jewish... stock."
John le Carré was a spook.
His father was a con man. (John le Carré interview - Telegraph)
Le Carre says of his father:
"He was a con man, a fraudster.
"He served four years for fraud, several of them in Wormwood Scrubs...
"When my sister, Charlotte, was researching her role in the film about the Krays she visited their mother.
"Mrs Kray showed her the family album and there was a photograph of our father with his arms around the Kray twins.
The Krays were murderous homosexual gangsters, allegedly linked to boy prostitution and top people.
Le Carre joined the secret service at the age of 17.

Marc Rich
In 2008, The London Evening Standard (That's Rich News) reported:
"Few recognised the avuncular American chuckling with Naomi Campbell at one of the summer's most spectacular parties in St Tropez...
"This was Marc Rich, one of the world's most secretive billionaires...
"Rich ... has emerged from the shadows, quitting his fortress-like home above Lake Lucerne in Switzerland...
"His house, in Meggen, Switzerland, is his stronghold...
"Rich employs an impressive corps of security people...
"Investigators in the United States claimed Rich's company was dealing with Iran during the US hostage crisis... They also believed he was dealing with other rogue states, including North Korea and Colonel Gaddafi's Libya.
1. Marc Rich (Marc Reich), a Jew originally from Belgium, fled the United States in 1983 to live in Switzerland while being prosecuted on charges of tax evasion and illegally making oil deals with Iran during the hostage crisis.
According to Newsmax (Marc Rich Helped KGB Create Hidden Government,), 31 March 2001:
"Marc Rich, the most-wanted fugitive pardoned by former President Clinton, was a key figure in the Communist Party and the KGB's creation of an underground government that survived the break-up of the Soviet Union and still rules Russia today behind the scenes."
2. The newspaper Scotland on Sunday reported, 16/9/ 2001, that Osama bin Laden made his fortune in part by working with Jewish-Russian mafia operations in Qatar and Cyprus.
Osama is from a billionaire family which has close ties to the Bush family and the Saudi royal family. (aangirfan: The bin Laden Family)
According to Wayne Madsen, "The Bin Laden drug network ... intersects with Geneva-based financial entities established by George H. W. Bush while he was CIA director and Vice President and President of the United States." (aangirfan: Bush, Bin Laden, Drugs....)
3. During the Yeltsin era, the Russian government allegedly allowed certain Jewish gangsters to steal a lot of the countries wealth.
"The fact is that Yeltsin was a hired tool whose job it was to turn Russia's wealth over to the same cartel of Jewish racketeers who controlled Clinton." (Digg - Former Russian President Boris Yeltsin dies)
After Friedman’s book was published, Russian Jewish Mafia leaders put a bounty on his head.
4. "The Russian Mafiya is into everything from Wall Street to African diamonds... It has compromised governments and threatens the integrity of world banking."
"Sometime in the '90s, the number of Russian mobsters in New York surpassed the head count of all five (Italian) famiglias combined." ( Books "Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded ...)
"If Marc Mukasey, the Attorney General's son, can be the lawyer for Madoff's top executive Frank DiPascali via his firm Bracewell & Giuliani in New York, and if Madoff turns out as laundering for the Russian mob and drug cartels, then how in the world could Marc have avoided turning them in?" (Euddoggwyn's World: MADOFF AND THE RUSSIAN MAFIA?)
5. Bernie Madoff made $50 billion disappear.
Madoff may have links to the Mafia. (Was Bernie Madoff a Mafia Front? - Jon Taplin’s Blog)
6. Michael Collins Piper, at American Free Press, December 2007, writes about ' rudy giuliani godfather of the russian mob'
According to Piper:
Giuliani closed down the local, mainly Italian-American, mafias.
This allowed certain foreign mafias to take over.
These foreign mafias were mainly Jewish and mainly from Russia and Israel.
Sam Kislin is 'a Ukraine-born and now New York-based patron of Israel'.
Kislin is reportedly linked to high-ranking figures in the 'Russian' mafia.
Kislin raised more than $2 million for Giuliani’s intended bid for the Senate in 2000.
The initial base of operations for the Jewish (so-called 'Russian') mafia was the Brighton Beach area in Brooklyn.
Giuliani 'looked the other way'.
Robert I. Friedman wrote in his book Red Mafia that 'one of the leading figures' in the Jewish mafia, Shabtai Kalmanovitch, was also working for Mossad.
Friedman pointed out that 'Russian mafia' figures, such as Joseph Kobson, have links to Likud in Israel.
Friedman wrote: "With two decades of unimpeded growth, the Russian Mafiya has succeeded in turning Israel into its very own 'mini-state,' in which it operates with virtual impunity.
"Although many in international law enforcement believe that Israel is by now so compromised that its future as a nation is imperiled, its government, inexplicably, has done almost nothing to combat the problem."
Friedman suggested that U.S. law enforcement has done little to counter the 'Russian' mafia.
The reason, Friedman said: "A large part of the problem was political: the Russian mob was predominantly Jewish."
Patrick Cotter, a top Justice Department prosecutor, reportedly said that while the FBI had squads targeting the Italian-American mafias, there was no squad targeting the 'Russian' mafias.
The Russian-Jewish mafia is "protected by the most powerful political force in the United States today: the Jewish lobby, represented by such groups as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith, a documented arm of Israel’s intelligence service, the Mossad, as well as the American Jewish Congress and the American Jewish Committee.
"The mass media, largely controlled by Zionist interests, has also redirected attention away from these elements."
7. Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov is linked to the Russian Mafia and he is an Israeli citizen, according to reports in the Russian media. ( Radio Islam: Mobster linked to Olympics bribe scandal has Israeli ... )
8. On 17 November 2008, Yaakov Alperon, an Israeli mobster was assassinated in a car bomb attack.
Alperon's enemies included drug lord Zeev Rosenstein.
Alperon was killed by a bomb explosion in his car at a crowded Tel Aviv intersection. At least three other people were wounded in the attack, including a 13-year-old boy.
9. Sam Zemurray was a Russian Jew who became head of the United Fruit Company.
Reportedly, he made his money by keeping in power those dictators who would help keep down workers' wages.
"His 'style' in establishing his own company ... involved bribery and the subsidizing of revolution to overthrow a legitimate government [in Honduras] in order to place someone more favorable to his interests in the executive office." (Langley/Schoonover - The Banana Men. American Mercenaries and Entrepreneurs in Central America, 1880-1930, 1995)
10. The executive directors of Royal Bank of Scotland, Lloyds and HBOS earned a combined £122m in pay and cash bonuses over a recent period of 5 years. (what bank chiefs earned before meltdown)
Banks have lots of Jewish executives.
Eric Daniels, chief executive at Lloyds Bank, earned £10 million.
Sir Fred Goodwin, whose mother was Jewish, earned £15 million.
11. According to Mordechai Zalkin, a senior history lecturer in Israel, it was mainly Jewish mafias who, in the period before World War II, controlled the underworld in Warsaw, Vilna, Odessa and certain other large cities in Europe. (World of our (god)fathers,/ the brains behind the sexslave trade)
Reportedly, "Jews could be found at almost all levels of underworld activity, from the individual thief to gangs that numbered more than 100 members."
In his novel, In the Vale of Tears, Mendele Mocher Sforim describes how Jewish mobsters use underhanded methods to kidnap Jewish girls from poor, remote towns and then force them to work as prostitutes. (the brains behind the sexslave trade)
The sources for the following include:
'The Sacred Chain - A History of the Jews' by Norman Cantor - Harper Collins, 1995
12. "It was the Jews, by and large," says Norman Cantor, "not the Italians, who created what was later called the Mafia.
"In the 1920s the Italians began to replace the Jews in the New York organized crime industry, but as late as 1940 if you wanted a spectacular hit you were looking for a representative of the Lepke Buchalter Gang, also known as Murder Inc.
"Jews were also prominent in the gambling trade and developed Las Vegas in the 1940s. It was a Jewish gambler who fixed the 1919 baseball World Series - what became known as the Black Sox scandal."
Thaçi, prime minister of Kosovo, is alleged to have extensive criminal links.
Marvin Kitman has written: "The Jews were the first ones to realize the link between organized crime an organized politics. They led the way in corrupting the police and city hall."
Reportedly, the Seagram's alcohol fortune (the Canadian Bronfman family) 'grew to power by getting their alcohol into criminal hands who smuggled it into the United States. Bronfman, who bristled when anyone called him a bootlegger, had a distribution deal for his booze with Jewish mobster Meyer Lansky.'
Ben Gurion
David Ben-Gurion was jailed in Warsaw, Poland.
"That was the first time," he said, "that I ever came into contact with the dregs of society. I was shaken to the core at the language and behavior. I never had the slightest notion that such people ever existed ... The thing that shook me most was that these criminals were Jews."
According to the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, September 15, 1999, "Between 50 and 80 percent of the Russian economy is said to be in Jewish hands, with the influence of the five Jews among the eight individuals commonly referred to as 'oligarchs' particularly conspicuous."
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