Last Light Over Carolina by Mary Alice Monroe
It's a Blog Tour!
In LAST LIGHT, New York Times bestseller Monroe tells the haunting and touching story of a longtime shrimp boat captain and his wife of thirty years the day his boat goes missing at sea. Pat Conroy once said that “every book that Mary Alice Monroe has written has felt like a homecoming to me,” and Anne River Siddons wrote that “Monroe’s voice is strong and true.” Now, once again, Monroe brings the South to life with a lyrical and evocative story about past mistakes and second chances.
Mary Alice Monroe writes stories about real people. In Last Light Over Carolina we meet Bud Morrison, his wife Carolina and the family & people of a small shrimping community in South Carolina. These are hard working people trying to survive living and working the life that generations of their families have. They are shrimpers. The men work long hours to provide for their families. The women support them, wait for them, cook for them. There are strong bonds in the community and a deep love for ones family. Central to the story is the story of Bud & Carolina- their love and commitment to each other after 30 years of marriage. When tragedy strikes we are taken back in flashbacks to happier times and memories of times long ago. We also see how a community pulls together in the present. Written with honesty and feeling, Last Light Over Carolina will having you feel the calling of the sea and the yearning to belong to the coastal community. From the beginning of the story you can almost smell the sea around you. You will be drawn in... A heartfelt story with characters you can empathize with. A story you will enjoy reading! I know I did! Thank you Sarah R. of Pocket Books for sharing this with me! Would you like to read an excerpt of Last Light Over Carolina? Here's the first chapter at Mary Alice Monroe's Website!

A Little About Mary Alice...
In LAST LIGHT, New York Times bestseller Monroe tells the haunting and touching story of a longtime shrimp boat captain and his wife of thirty years the day his boat goes missing at sea. Pat Conroy once said that “every book that Mary Alice Monroe has written has felt like a homecoming to me,” and Anne River Siddons wrote that “Monroe’s voice is strong and true.” Now, once again, Monroe brings the South to life with a lyrical and evocative story about past mistakes and second chances.
Her writing has gained added purpose and depth with her move to the South Carolina Lowcountry. "Living on Isle of Palms provides a stimulating place for me to think and to write. I've always been interested in nature, but living on the island and near the wetlands has influenced my work. I draw themes for my novels from nature and the parallels with human nature. And, in my own small way, I hope that by bringing to life the beauty and mystery of this fabulously varied ecosystem and various endangered species in my stories, readers will be inspired to support efforts to protect them." Like to learn a little more about Mary Alice Monroe? You can find more Here!
Mary Alice Monroe is touring the Blogs today! Check out some of the other places she'll be:
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